Pour la Promotion du Logiciel Libre en France
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FSF France - Free Software and science


Joris Van der Hoven initiated an APRIL working group to support Free Software in science. He's the author of GNU-TeXmacs and works for a french university himself and advocates that software made while conducting a research financed by the government should be released as Free Software.

The very spirit of research does not fit well with the restrictions imposed by proprietary licenses. Besides, citizens are not too happy when they have to finance the research and buy the product when it is released.

A french-speaking discussion-list was created fsfe-france-sci@gnu.org to discuss this subject.

Web pages are also envisaged. A CVS repository was created on savannah.

If you wish to participate, please join us on the workgroup's mailing list : fsfe-france-sci@gnu.org.


The table shows what is actually available.

Kind of resources See the web page First contributor
Free softwares for chemistry chemistry Jérôme Pansanel
Free softwares for scientific documentation documentation Olivier Berger
Free softwares for biology biology Jérôme Pansanel
À propos
Guides techniques
Ferme GCC
Copyright (C) 2003-2011, FSF France, 12 boulevard Magenta, 75010 Paris, France
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Mis à jour: $Date: 2003-02-28 16:16:22 +0100 (Fri, 28 Feb 2003) $ $Author: loic $